
Quote Of The Day! (3)

"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever."                                                                    - Mahatma Gandhi Life is a game of criss-cross puzzles and the end of the game is suspense for everyone. We do not know what’s the ending, we do not know how it will end, we also don’t know when it will end. All we know is the present and all that matters is how good we play now. Because now is all that we know! So, let’s just live in the present to its fullest as you don’t know what’s next. But to live today do not forget that there is also a tomorrow waiting for you with new opportunities. So, do not stop exploring, do not stop learning because there’s so much more to know... So learn as if you are immortal.                                                     - Aakanksha Jodh

Quote Of The Day! (2)

  "The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."                                                                                                                         -Nelson Mandela Big Shout out to the people who are persistent enough to wait for the outcome of their hard work. Because success is not going to come to you over night, because universe is going to test you if you are worth that fruit. And in that process every failure will be one step closer to your goal. Because the secret key to lock of success is failure! And once you realize this, no one can stop you from achieving your goals. Don’t cry over your failures; adore them, embrace them, be thankful for the experience, move on and rise again with more enthusiasm, more energy, more clarity and a big vision. And believe in yourself that BIG THINGS ARE COMING FOR YOU!                                                                                                      

Quote For The Day (1)

 All endings are also beginnings. We just don’t know it at the time.                                 – Mitch Albom   Do you remember the moment when you are all happy and living in a moment, enjoying your life and suddenly out of nothing everything starts falling apart and you know things are going to end but all you can do is sit and watch the show of your life being a big flop which you thought would be a blockbuster? Okay, so wait. Hold on. Everything happens for a reason. And trust me when I say Universe has everything decided for you, everything you deserve is coming for you but you need to be patient enough because it’s going to come to you when the time is right. So, don’t get scared when everything is falling apart, just close your eyes, take a deep breath and say out loud that “Every ending is the new beginning and everything happens for a reason.”                                                                                         – Aakanksha Jodh